Personalised digital content subscriptions for Accountants and Financial Advisers

Help your clients make more informed decisions
How can you enrich your clients’ understanding of their options, boost your content across all your communication channels while demonstrating your expertise and enhancing your brand?
Key Guides are carefully researched, expertly written and easy to read. They’re designed to deepen your client’s knowledge of their options and highlight potential areas for future discussions.
Our core set of Key Guides includes 12 titles updated quarterly. They’re delivered as full colour PDFs with themed imagery and your personalised covers, or Word content only. More focused topic bundles are also available.
Why use Key Guides?
Build a knowledge hub on your website and drive traffic across your communication channels.
Highlight core issues and new developments to enhance client relationships and referrals.
Share the most relevant and accurate information with your clients.
Promote your brand by including your own colours and imagery.
Make the most of each edition with our marketing support pack.
Find out more
Annual subscription and topic bundles
Your best value option is the annual subscription including all 12 titles.
We know that some businesses focus their attention in particular areas. Subscribe to one of our topic bundles to suit your firm’s communications.
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Annual subscription includes all of the titles:
Accessing your company profits
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Investing tax efficiently
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Making tax digital
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Making the most of fringe benefits?
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Off-payroll working
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Pensions tax planning for high earners
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Retirement and tax
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Starting and selling a business
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Strategies for a high tax environment
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Tax allowances for business investment
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Taxation of property
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
You and yours – estate planning
Business planning bundle
Personal tax planning bundle
Financial Advisers
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Your full 12 titles subscription includes:
Business succession planning
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Financial protection for you and your family
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Investing for children
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Investing tax efficiently
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Investment planning and asset allocation
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Making the most of ISAs
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Pensions tax planning for high earners
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Saving for retirement
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Taking income at retirement
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Taxation of property
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
The financial planning journey
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
You and yours – estate planning
Financial planning
Investment planning
Pensions planning
Personal tax planning
Specialist single topics
Single titles covering specialist topics are available as single
purchases for targeted information campaigns:
Financial Advisers

- ESG investing
- Financial planning for women
- Later life planning
- Investing in VCTs, EISs and SEISs
- Living abroad – the tax rules

Download your Key Guides sample
Please us on 020 8075 8210
or email us at for further details.